Friday, May 8, 2009

Foster Botanical Garden

Friday Shoot Out: Gardens
Topic by Gigi

Double Coconut

Oleander has a poison that has no antidote. We make flower leis out of these and give them to SPECIAL people... Just joking!

Kukui Nut


I took this photo while driving out of the gardens... a literal drive-by shooting!

Foster Botanical Garden is neither the largest nor the most spectacular garden of Oahu. What sets Foster apart is its proximity to downtown Honolulu. The garden itself is surrounded by a freeway and one of the state's busiest intersections. From the outside, one wouldn't be able to tell that there is a botanical garden. This makes Foster Garden a true hidden gem.


Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Wow Hensley.........I LOVE these snaps!! What a beautiful place you live in. I think I'd just ride around and look at all of those amazing flowers all day if I lived there and I'd never get any work done. Simply smashing.........
The "drive by shooting" remark made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair when I get to that :)
Thanks for the early morning laugh and I loved my drive by visit.

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Barry said...

Foster Garden is beautiful. It and your photo inspire me to get out there and do something with our garden.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I think I need to come visit you... :)

Unknown said...

I love the little gecko! Sweet!

I've never been to your neck of the woods, but to in the next few years. I here that not only are the flowers lovely to look at, but the whole place smells nice because of such an infusion of flora...

aurbie said...

You are getting really good! I am impressed with your work this week.

That last flower is great. All of your closeups are really wonderful.

I have never seen one of those nuts unpolished. That was interesting.

And that double coconut. No words for that beaut!

Thanks Hensley. That was wonderful. You outdid yourself this week!

I will be looking forward to what you do with transportation next week.

Gordon said...

Very, very enjoyable! I'm jealous of your tropical paradise. Thank you.

The Pink Birdhouse said...

What a great Friday shoot out post!! The flowers are just fantastic, and you were able to capture them really well. Even the "drive by shot" was terrific (you made me chuckle over here with that remark!!) :-) I particularly loved the photo of the bird, THAT is a great shot!! Debby

J9 said...

We have oleander here too, but it isn't in bloom yet. And That double coconut is insanely huge!

aurbie said...

I came back to look some more. I love the little lizard and that Buddha is fantastic. I like the way you framed the people.

I love the shot of the bird, too.

Have a great Sunday.

Kelly said...

WOW at the big DOUBLE COCONUT! That cracks me up! I also participated in a few drive by's for this shoot! hahaha! Great post!

hensly said...

Reggie - Thanks for driving by! Looking forward to what you have on next weeks "transportation' theme.

Barry - I'm "inspired" by your comment, Thanks!

Rachel - Mahalo for stopping by, come visit anytime!

Kim - Hawaii does have a great variety of flowers and scents which we like to make "leis" out of. Thanks for your comment!

Patty - "Not as good as you!" your photos are all great!

Gordon - Thanks again!

Debby - Yeah, the bird shot came out a lot better than I expected! Thanks!

J9 - I corrected my spelling for Oleander, thanks for the comment!

Patty - Thanks again! Have a blessed Sunday!

Kelly - Thanks Neighbor! Your photos are great also!